Saturday, 28 April 2012

大投机家2( 一个投机者的智慧)

安德烈 科斯托兰尼(Andre Kostolany)。。。【一个投机者的告白】(内地出版商把它翻成大投机家1 一个投机者的告白)已经够吸引我了。从那时开始,在恒河网就订了他的其他五本作品。现在这五本书都顺利的上了我的书架。所以,接下来的几个星期应该都是关于安德烈 科斯托兰尼(Andre Kostolany)的作品。先来看一看【大投机家2】吧。。。







开车教练对我说:“你永远不可能真正学好驾驶,因为你总是看发动机罩。你抬起头来,看看远方的地方吧。” 。。。我建议经济学家们抬起头来看着远方,不要喋喋不休的谈论明年的增长指数。。。对于投机商来说,好与坏的经济形势都要冒同样的险。


Thursday, 26 April 2012










只要有想法,就会有做法,只要有看法,就能找办法。~~~ 关于牛根生。

不顾血本,渴求虚荣,恶性膨胀,人财两空,大事不精,小事不细,如此塞主,岂能成功。~~~ 对于史玉柱的批评。




Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Money Mavericks

Money Mavericks ~~~ A confessions by a Danish with a London based hedge fund, named "Holte Capital" ...The title itself is attractive to amateur like me ... and the description via the back of the book (as below) is good enough to seduce me into buying this book, LOL.

“I read this book cover to cover, and enjoyed every bit of it. The hedge fund industry is not known for its modesty, yet this book is not only full of fascinating information but is refreshing in this respect as well.”
Andrei Shleifer, Professor of Economics, Harvard University

“Without sensationalising, Lars tells it like it is – a no-holds-barred, warts-and-all account of what it’s like to try and set up and run a hedge fund.”
Neil Wilson, editor, Eurohedge

“A compelling and demystifying chronicle of hedge funds, and of hedge fund managers. Lars’ experience is by no means novel in the industry, but his perspective most certainly is.”
Drew Dickson, Managing Partner, Dickson Capital Management

"In a world where few understand their complexities, Money Mavericks provides a compelling and accurate insight into the secretive workings of a hedge fund."
Tets Ishikawa, author of "How I Caused the Credit Crunch

This book reminds me of "Hedgehogging", one of my favourite books... Relatively, "Money Mavericks" was more on the story-telling style with simple wording and minimal financial stuff. Take a look at some of the interesting points (or phrases) as listed below. You will surely enjoy it...

It is a story of naivety, rejection, hubris, bubbles quickly inflating, arrogance and occasional hatred. At the same time, it is one of success, ambition, friendship, courage and love.

When self-confidence becomes arrogance you deserved to be shot down.

Of all the things we needed six month before launching the fund, having a prime broker was the one we cared about the most.

Real managers don't sweat even when the kitchen gets hot.

The human side of constantly being evaluated on short-term performance numbers was a drain.

You are a number. Basically if you have bad performance numbers you are a bad person... If you have high assets under management and therefore rich, you might get a reprieve but only for so long...If you are small and perform poorly you think everyone from your mother-in-law to the postman is giving you a pitying look saying, "This is clearly a guy out of his depth", and you begin to be defensive and see humiliating ridicule in innocent comments from those around you. If you are at a dinner party and a friend at Goldman tells you he has been promoted, you take this to mean "At least I know what I am doing." One month I was down 4% in an up market and I thought everyone was looking at me thinking "How can anyone be so stupid?" It is not a happy place to be. '

Running a hedge fund was obviously a 24/7 proposition, but I was also guilty of being unable to disconnect.

Once potential investors have satisfied themselves that you are not a crook, the single question they most often ask is 'What is your edge?'

If a medium-sized firm... can generate $ 1.5 million in trade commissions every year, it becomes obvious why the banks and brokerage houses take you to the Super Bowl.

... the short term perspective of his investors left him no room to engage in a random market where there was no saying what stocks would do in the short run. "It's all a fucking lottery."

The more money you had invested, the more fees and attention you got.

On top of the nice phrases as mentioned, I myself particularly loves chapter 6 ~~~ "The Mickey Mouse Fund". Well, most traders went through such a period. So, it is no surprise at all for a beginner fund like Holte Capital. Credit must be given to the author for his willingness to reveal it. The best part is... he revealed it in a humour way too, LOL. This is then follow by the breaking through and how Holte Capital goes from a million funds into a billion funds (Mickey Mouse tag was finally removed! LOL).  Since "the more money you had invested, the more fees and attention you got" ~~~ the author Lar Kroijer was eventually a popular figure in the world of hedge fund and as a result...these were among the discoveries made about him:

1. Outstanding parking tickets from place he used to be...
2. Her wife did not paid her phone bill when she left Denmark...
3. Lar Kroijer did not renewed his Massachusetts driving licence and had not taken a new one in another US state.
4. Lar Kroijer almost moved to Mongolia...
5. Lar Kroijer lied about graduating from Harvard with honours
6. Lar Kroijer changed his name !!! ~~~ Alamak !!! LOL.

.... and plenty more.... Series of hilarious jokes... but sounds familiar? Hmm...

Lastly, we had the real confessions when his partner, Brian decided to call it a day! This is the moment when all the pros and cons (to quit or to carry on) came out. Well, I love one of the reason to quit ~~~ "You are not changing the world" !!! Exactly... Capitalism might have creates tonnes of wealth. But, it is not changing the world like what Steve Jobs did !!!

Overall, this is a nice book although I must admit that I prefer "Hedgehogging".  To me, "Hedgehogging" gave more details and "Hedgehogging" was more 'ruthless' in presenting the whole picture. However, I salute and respect the author's courage to confess completely the whole ups and downs of a hedge fund. I personally appreciate this kind of books. It passes through success stories as well as the road down events... In view of that, I rated it 7/10. Why not 10/10? Well... simply because I love "Hedgehogging" more, LOL...

Tuesday, 17 April 2012



对于黎智英,我其实知道的也不少。但,他的传记我还是第一次读到。香港人习惯叫他‘肥佬黎’,一个很贴切却又不失体面的称呼。市面上一般的传记都很严肃,很少像肥佬黎那样把文法弄得那么的“随便”(哈哈)。。。但,这也是它吸引我的地方。说白了,我还挺喜欢这类说故事的文字方式。书名也确实够霸气,因为直接用了他的名字。当然,他绝对有资格那么做。整体来说,内容很直接,不卖弄文笔。教育性质或许不高(但也不低啦,哈),但绝对是娱乐性十足。整个感觉就像我们日常生活中看他的杂志一样。很想看,但有些情节就是会吐口水!而对于我。。。。。。至少打破了我个人标准~ 销售量好的书有些也挺好看的,哈!


钱财没了迟早会回来,得失不重要。但千万要记住,钞票买不到的东西一点一滴都不能浪费。~~~ 黎母灌输于肥佬黎的一句肺腑之言。
















【钱财是手中捉住的风。顺风时,呼风唤雨;逆风时,树倒猢狲散;那时才知道手中捉住的只是一阵轻风】~~~ 冯景喜先生对于钱财的定义



非常人自然会有非常人的人生。肥佬黎的这本书就有他那非常人的神韵和精神价值。看一看结尾的一段评语吧 ~~~ “想像一颗苹果可以改变世界。会是哪颗象征【最美丽的女人】的金色苹果,酿成众神纷乱和木马屠城?还是某个风和日丽午后意外K到牛顿头上的哪颗苹果?是改写白雪公主故事的苹果?还是由【欲望城市】的四个女主角重新演绎的纽约【大苹果】?二零零三年,来自香港的黎智英奉上一颗【苹果】,准确的扔向台湾媒体,改写了媒体生态,也改变了读者的想像与视野。仿若伊甸园里夏娃怂恿亚当摘下的哪颗苹果,开启了世间的是非八挂。。。。。。”~~~超棒的,赞赞赞!

整体来说这是本蛮值得推荐的书籍。评分方面10分至少都有7分。扣掉的3分在于文字方面虽然不卖弄,但也确实不够华丽。再来,作者还挺喜欢卖弄学问的。。。。。。但往往,卖弄了又不详细解说 ~~~ 气死我了!!!哈。


Friday, 13 April 2012


那到底袁世凯是英才还是枭雄?我个人偏向于把他归类为“治世之能臣, 乱世之枭雄”。无论如何,作者代后记关于历史的意义写的真好。作者说:“对待历史,放下天使或者审判者的架子,少一点人为的标签,多一份理解和明白。只有在明白之中,才能找到历史的真实路径。” 我非常赞同,所以我无权审判。而且,历史书本是应该帮助人们了解历史好让我们在过去与当下之间,寻找因果律的会通性。因此,对于袁世凯这号人物,我不多说。但,我个了蛮推荐这本书。理由是,笔者的文笔真不错。解剖方面也的确做到'放下天使或者审判者的架子'。整体内容除了知识性,也没一般历史书那么沉闷。10分满分,我应该都给8分吧。。。少掉的两分让我看多几本作者写的书,再给吧!哈。。。

赵焰,男,安徽旌德人,中国作家协会会员。出版有《晚清有个曾国藩》、《晚清有个李鸿章》、《蝶影抄》、 《行走新安江》、《千年徽州梦》、《思想徽州》、《男人四十就变鬼》、《夜兰花》等书十数种。
第一章 顽童,还是天才?
第二章 无私,还是抓权?
第三章 英勇,还是退缩?
第四章 练兵,还是抓权?
第五章 告密,还是无辜?
第六章 元凶,还是智者?
第七章 变法,还是投机?
第八章 立宪,还是抓权?
第九章 归隐,还是蓄势?
第十章 共和,还是宪政?
第十一章 专制,还是民主?
第十二章 虚伪,还是怀柔?
第十三章 元凶,还是无辜?
第十四章 英才,还是枭雄?

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Notes To The Prime Minister - The Untold Story of How Malaysia Beat the Currency Speculators

"Notes to the Prime Minister"…. True, it is a book with record of discussions between Tun Dr. Mahathir and Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997/1998. Well, the title of “Notes” is appropriate… However, I am not so sure about “The Untold Story of How Malaysia Beat The Currency Speculators”… Are they beaten at the end? Hmm…. Foods for thought today…

Since I am not an expert, (If I am, Tun Dr. M might spot me walking down a street in Kuala Lumpur too, LOL) I am not going to dig much into the rational of peg and unpeg. Just a few obvious points…. First of all, as we can see, ringgit was pegged at a time when the great of Asian Crisis was already over. If Malaysia did not peg the ringgit in September 1998, the Ringgit would have gradually appreciated anyway (The movement of Rupiah and Won during that period will tell the whole story)…  Secondly, at the point the Ringgit was fixed against the USD in September 1998, I believe it had already settled around its long term equilibrium value. At the end, the so called “capital controls” failed to prevent capital outflow. At the same time, they were also imposed at a point in time where speculation was already dying away. Worse, the appreciation of the USD four years later made Malaysia’s exports completely uncompetitive… Finally, here is the man who was part of the team at Bank Negara which incurred huge exchange losses betting on the British Pound in 1992… Yet, Tun Dr. M spotted him walking down a street in Kuala Lumpur to teach him about currency and currency trading? Just an example… the issue of “Impossible Trinity” keeps on popping up in my mind when I read about his suggestions to lower down interest rates during the turmoil. With due respect, is he really the right man? Hmm…..

Forgive my sarcastic wording… I am just telling some facts based on my personal understanding. To sum it up, just take a peep at Korea and Indonesia (Thailand too despite the political turmoil). Obviously, the said countries are much better at the moment even though they accepted the so called “stringent conditions” from IMF! Want more evidence? Hyundai vs Proton? Not strong enough? Just check how many of you are using Samsung products at the moment, LOL.

Well, the good thing is… I am kinda fortunate that I am not in the political scene. Just read through the notes in the book… I would sum it up with one word: EXHAUSTED!!! Look at the time and schedule starting from walking on the Kuala Lumpur Street to the Argentina trip. Then, check through all the dates and times on the notes. It is really tough for two of them to work through the whole process. Like I mentioned above; I am not an expert. Hence, it is not fair for me to just criticize without appreciating their hard works. My final words on this two mighty political giant… taken the final results aside, I do believe they had did their part in their respective role. Big applaud on that…

Ok… summary on the book… Well, not a bad book to read… but, surely not an excellent book to recommend to book worms!!! LOL. In my humble opinion, this book is as good as” Doctor in the House” (which I did not bother to buy at all, LOL). Read it if you got time. If you are busy, there are plenty of better choices…. Rating? 5/10 with credit goes to the writing of author rather than the contents! LOL…