Sunday, 28 April 2013

The High Frequency Game Changer

"High Frequency Trading" ~~~ this is a topic that I am looking forward to explore initially. After all, I have interest in all the stuff that I never read before... However, there is always some risk in reading chronology stuff. It could easily ends up as something boring, dull and dry....  At the end, Paul Zubulake & Sang Lee are the men in that. I fall asleep few times thanks to their effort in producing this book, LOL.

Honestly, this is really a dull book. The revolution of high frequency trading is not as interesting as what I expect. To make things worse, the author did little help in arranging the whole contents. Each chapter seem to be loosely related and certain chapter (especially the last chapter) seems not relevant at all. Furthermore, there are a lot of technical descriptions, which I think most readers may not want to know in the first place.

Overall, I do not see myself getting much from this book. As such, I am rating it at 1/10. One single point was given in view that the topic itself is actually something interesting. However, I finished this book in a messy way and I think this is the messiest book I had read in year 2013. As usual; ding, ding, ding... time to move on, LOL...

Thursday, 25 April 2013

One Good Trade

One good trade...kind of special name... yet, it reflects the very nature of trading ~~~ simply to make a good trade rather than a profitable or losing trade!

Well, a good trade may define differently for different types of traders. This is why we have this book, where the owner of a proprietary trading firm tries to nurture a group of good traders. One of his very good traders was shown in this example: "It's about doing the little things every single day and making yourself better, and that's my goal. If I do something everyday to make myself better, I know eventually my P&L is going to show." ~~~ JToma. At first glance, this whole thing may sound weird. In my humble opinion, there are other better and more productive stuffs in the world of finance. Nurturing a team and reveal in a book does not seems to be an appropriate idea. Well, since I could not find the answer, this is why this book ends up on my book shelf, LOL.

This book serves as a good exposure to newbie (in the world of proprietary trading) like me. My conclusion is: proprietary trading is something tough to follow. In my humble opinion, this is a game for small capital. Once your capital getting huge, the whole concept just cannot works as slippage, errors and tons of possibilities (black swan?) will come in. As such, unless you are comfortable working with small capital, I personally do not see this as an excellent long-term strategy.

Secondly, the last few chapter of this book started to focus on adapting. Obviously, this is very much different compares to the school of thoughts that I believe. The author started the whole book with intraday trading. Yet, it was "adapted" throughout his career that... at the end, they develop something new, named "Trades2Hold". Well, the name itself tells the whole story. The initial idea seems to "adapt" to a better idea although the latter idea can be adapted in the first place!

Lastly... the more I read it, the more I feel like being influenced into some marketing gimmicks.... Well, a buddy of mine finally proved that when we found out SMB (the said proprietary trading firm) are actually selling their trading stuff and subscribers can watch them trade lively. Hmm... Sounds familiar?

To be honest, I actually enjoy certain part of this book. As mentioned above, it opened up my mind to something new. However, there are flaws where I cannot accept blindly. As such, I am rating it at 4/10. Overall, it is an interesting "inside" stories for readers. However, I found my own disagreements. As such, I have no objection in adding this book into my trading library. But, repetition in reading this book is an absolute "no-no" in this case... Ding, ding, ding... Next book, please! LOL...

Friday, 19 April 2013

No One Would Listen

A thrilling story....A story nobody would bother to listen when Harry Markopolos and his team uncovered what Madoff was doing...

Harry Markopolos is a hero in this context... An initial "Quant" from Boston, who started the whole investigation innocently after being forced to create the equivalent model to match the performances by Madoff.... Life is funny at times. Most of the times, the initial intention is nothing related to the final consequences. Obviously, Harry Markopolos went through the whole process in danger zone. After all, he is trying to stop more peoples from helping Madoff into digging a bigger gold mine...

In the whole story, no one seems bother to listen.... Of course, SEC included. It reminds me of my last invited discussion with our own SC in regards to gold issue after the famous G brand gold business uncovered. Ignorant is the best word to describe the whole thing. End up, several months pass through and I still did not see anything fruitful. Meanwhile, similar things happened with our local adjustments in regards to margin requirements (FKLI & FCPO). Last year was a very good example. A full volatile year was met with minimal adjustments. As Frank Casey pointed out in the book, Mother Teresa did not work on Wall Street. Obviously, Mother Teresa is not found in Malaysia financial world too, LOL.

Overall, reading this book is very relaxing although it involves tons of financial wordings. End of the day, the author successfully brought to us a well-written thrilling story with a lot of charms and humors. As such, it is attractive from the first read on first chapter. I am quite busy for the past few days. However, this book remains my priority whenever I have time to sit down and read a book. After all, it is hard to get a book with interesting, yet educating story to explore on....Having said that, I am rating this book at 10/10. Well done to the authors for being a whistleblower as well as an excellent author in presenting such a nice book. Thumbs up!

Friday, 12 April 2013




1。 上市前夕,一位记者问吴亚军,龙湖上市的同时失去了什么?吴亚军的回答是:失去了不发展的自由。

2. 唐骏“学历门”。。。陈发树对唐骏的容忍是能够为自己加分的。。。但,无论如何,在离开新会都之前,唐骏是陈发树的一块“负资产”。

3. 廖海亭:“一山不能藏二虎?什么二虎?我们根本不是虎。我们连狗都不如。”


5. 梁启超拜访李鸿章劝他革命,李鸿章长叹一口气说:“一代人只做一代人的事。”这句话用在中国政商两界,都是句至理箴言。

6. 许多理想主义者在遭受重大挫折,习惯用一项尘封多年的个人爱好来麻醉自己,罗红便是其中之一。

7.  从非常高调到极度低调,三个月的时间里,书商张小波想换了个人似的。

8. 晋江富豪,野蛮生长成就了他们,但也埋下了一些隐患,如财务粉饰,快速扩张后遗症等。


如以上所说,这是本很特别的书。其实,不只特别,还很另类。。。有别于一般“富豪”书籍,这本书更着重于富豪背后的辛酸,代价和以上所说的忧虑。但,或许我还不够富有;总觉得所谓的焦虑也并不是那么值得焦虑。因此,想尝试从书中列出种种焦虑;但,最多也只找到以上所列出的。 虽不多,总算也是几段合格的焦虑个案吧。。。只能说,做富人肯定不容易。每样美好的东西(除非你认为钱不是美好的东西?)总有它背后的代价。所以,读完整本书后,是不是应该庆幸自己不够富有?(哈,见仁见智。。。)至少,下次感叹自己不够富裕时,想一想富豪们的焦虑应该可以舒缓一下自卑的心理吧。。。呵呵!


Monday, 8 April 2013





Sunday, 7 April 2013












Thursday, 4 April 2013



像六叔自传般,这本自传的爆料程度还真的不相上下。 当然,像六叔事迹般,我也是这里听一些,那里看一点。如果不是【邵逸夫大传】,很多事情我也搞不清楚前后次序。因此,【三星内幕】再次起到了同样的作用。对于三星,我总算来个彻底翻查了,呵呵。。。

关于李健熙的一生,“传奇”还真的是很贴切的形容词。 老爸的严厉和冷酷无情在以下的这段描写中表露无疑:“原来父亲在传给儿子的三星集团这个礼物上扣着锁。要想打开这把锁,就得超越父亲。这就等于是有附加条件的继承。如果不解决,三星集团就不可能成为自己的。” 当然,有其父必有其子。而且老爸的原始目的也是想把李健熙训练成立过一个冷酷无情的商人。因此,李健熙在翻看【湖岩自传】时并不是为了倾听父亲讲述自己的人生故事。相反的,他是为了打破和粉碎父亲的形象以达到超越父亲的目的。据说,这是为了寻找突破父亲的世界的方法。。。好狠噢。。。

老实说,整本书的故事记载方面还好。但,次序,排位就显得稍微凌乱了点。 年份在书里跳来奔去,就是没有一个像样的节奏。。。两个可能性;一,原装版本就是那么凌乱。二,可能是翻译方面的问题。所以,基本上,我都尽量避免选择翻译书籍。但,没办法。。。韩文我认识它,而它就是不认得我,呵呵。。。



Monday, 1 April 2013







个人对于这本书的评价是很高的。。。理由是,它提供了我所要知道和未必想知道的一切。再来,作者的笔墨完全都不沉闷。 因此,10分满分我给足了10分。或许,这是我第一本彻彻底底关于六叔的自传。因此,还真的找不到任何缺点。阅读有时还真的不能太挑剔。感觉对了,就是本好书。这本自传给我的感觉还真对了。。。